Sunday, May 17, 2015

Happy 8th Birthday Gavin!

It is hard to believe that it has been eight years since we lost little Gavin.  But he is not lost!   We know where he is.  He is not forgotten and we remember him always.  Sawyer knows he has a big brother and talks about Gavin often, as we all do.  How comforting to know that his eternal life is secure; we know who he'll be associating with! We can only pray and hope we will live worthy enough to be with him some day.

We went to his grave and took a few photos:

Then we had Sunday dinner and dessert:
Notice the green whipping cream.  Green was Gavin's favorite color.

Crew liked the green whipping cream!

We had a small group for Sunday dinner, but we had a great time celebrating Gavin's birthday here while Jaron & Michelle and Michelle's family celebrated in Arizona.


  1. Such sweet remembrances of a sweet angel.

  2. Happy birthday Gavin! What fun celebrations and remembrances.

  3. It has been 7 years in Aug. I have an easy way to remember these little angels because I watch Crystals son David and I see each mile stone he makes and I know that is where Gabe would be.
    I know it means a lot to Michelle and Jaron that you take time to remember Gavin.

  4. Happy to know about this lovely party. My friend is thinking to organize her birthday party at one of affordable LA venue in a couple of weeks. Will invite all her friends and relatives. I will definitely buy her a beautiful watch.
